Bob Tisdale’s Response To The E-Mail Interaction Between John Neilsen-Gammon And I

Above figure is one example from

Bob Tisdale has a detailed response to the e-mail communication made by John Neilsen-Gammon and I in the post

John Nielsen-Gammon and I Continue Our Discussion

Bob’s post is on Watts Up With That with the title

The Texas ENSO Bassmaster Classic

and on Bob’s weblog at

John Nielsen-Gammon Comments Regarding Climate Models And The Process Of El Niño-Southern Oscillation

Bob  concludes at the end of his detailed analysis that

This post clearly illustrates that John Nielsen-Gammon failed to consider that climate models prepared for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR4 have little to no basis in reality. When one considers the significant differences between the observed Sea Surface Temperature anomaly variations and those hindcast/projected by climate models, the models provide no support for his conclusion that most of the rise in Surface Temperatures, globally and regionally, was caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases.

This post also clearly illustrated that “The models’ difficulty in simulating the statistics of ENSO itself is”…NOT…“a red herring.” The process of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation was responsible for most of the rise in global sea surface temperature anomalies over the past thirty years.

The entire weblog post that Bob has provided is worth reading. I look forward to him publishing his insightful analyses in peer reviewed journals.

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